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Press Release

For more than 85 years, TECABOCA has provided an outdoor retreat center in a rustic environment where the Marianist Charism was instilled and life skills learned. The Marianist Province of the United States, along with TECABOCA leadership, made the challenging but important decision to close TECABOCA in the late Spring of 2025.Click here to see the press release.

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Society of Mary

Society of Mary

The Society of Mary, also known as the Marianists, is a 200-year-old Catholic religious congregation of brothers and priests. We are prayerful, joyful men dedicated to the most powerful woman in history. We welcome you as a friend and fellow traveler on our faith journeys.
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Marianist Education

Marianist Education

For the Marianists, education is a privileged means of bringing others to Christ. Our secondary schools and universities provide quality education with a focus on family spirit, service and social justice. We prepare students to be eager, life-long learners.
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Read about the Marianist Bicentenary in Education

Social Justice

Social Justice

Marianists seek to create a more just world through service to the poor and vulnerable, Christian activism, environmental preservation, and quality education in the U.S., India and Eastern Africa.
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The Marianists share Mary’s mission as Mother of the Church. We belong to her as educators and missionaries. She says to us, “do whatever He tells you.”

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